
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This past month in Cambodia has already been life changing. I’ve been able to grow closer to my team and more importantly closer to God. I’ve been drawing close to his voice and diving into his word. I’ve been seeking his beautiful face and exploring his beautiful creation. God has used me to share his love. He has put me in situations where I had to rely on him and trust that he will do what he promised. Even though I’m closer to God now more than ever, I have a never ending desire to draw even closer to him. This month has been the start of something new and I am ready to watch it unfold. 

3 responses to “Monthly Recap”

  1. There’s all the pictures I’ve been waiting to see. It’s so good to finally see your face and to be able to see your adventures. Missing you like crazy but I’m so excited to see this journey. Can’t wait to hear more

  2. I’m so happy to hear how God is using you and to see photos from your time in Cambodia. I’ll continue to pray for God to use you and draw you closer to Him. Keep seeking Him, every day! Love you bud!

  3. Thank you for the pictures. But your words have spoken so much more. Thank you for being you son.