
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Dumela (hello in Sesotho), this is the Newsletter for February 2024. As always, there will be a paraphrased version of this newsletter at the end for those of you who just want the highlights. 

Our Time in Lesotho
This month we have spent our time in Lesotho sharing the love of Christ and diving into the villages of Lesotho. We had some amazing adventures and got to experience a very unique culture. Our journey started February 6th, where we left Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa and headed towards Lesotho. We had a long car ride and the easiest border crossing yet. We went from sea level to 6,000 feet above sea level within 12 hours. When we arrived we got settled in and headed to bed. The next day we had to rest and get used to our new location. As tradition continues, within the first day we already found the nearest place to get snacks. The next two day we began ministry. We had the beautiful opportunity of doing house visits. Doing house visits meant that we got to go to the surrounding villages to encourage and share gospel to the people. On Sunday we left for another village in the mountains of Lesotho called HaJobo. HaJobo was a remote village that took us 2 hours to drive to a location to where we would get dropped off. From there we would hike and climb the rest of the way. We had to take food, along with other supplies to build an outhouse and continue the building of a church. It we very difficult on top of HaJobo. Our only water source was a spring, which was a couple minutes walk away. We had to fill up jugs and buckets so that we had water to drink back at the camp site. We started off drinking the water straight from the spring, but then people started getting sick. So for the last 3 days, of the 6 days we were there, we started filtering the water. After the first day of filtering water our filter started to leak. We managed to tape it up and slow the leaking, but our water was still contaminated and we still got sick. Even though we were all feeling sick the Lord still moved. The last night we were there we had the opportunity to show the “Jesus film” to the entire village. I had the opportunity to go up and share a little more about the gospel in front of the entire village. After I spoke I asked if anyone would like to give their life to Christ. 6 of the village members stood up and said “yes” to Jesus. The next morning we packed up and left the village. For the next week we did house visits and pulled apart garlic for our ministry host. We pulled apart about 1,200 bulbs of garlic and sorted each clove by size. The last week we did house visits and some other smaller projects. We started out with house visits in the morning and then in the afternoon working on a path in front of all the rooms. Once we came close to finishing the path we started digging a hole for trash in the evenings. The last 2 days we did house visits we only did 4 people. We saw a larger benefit from it being less people. We were able to better connect with the people and share the gospel more effectively.

Lesotho adventures were very few, but they were by far the most adventurous we’ve had so far. We had an adventure everyday going to new villages to share the gospel. Getting to explore each village was insane and we got to see Lesotho in its true beauty. The second week our adventure consisted of hiking up a mountain and then living in a secluded village with no commodities. The third weekend we took a van to the capital of Lesotho. We got to explore the capital for a couple hours and get to see the small variety of things to do. Most of the time we spent in a mall, which had the most things to do.
The only other thing that could be considered an adventure is our occasional trip to the “Lodge”, which was a 45 min walk away. The Lodge was just a hostel that open to us to get food, drinks, and internet.

What Gods been doing in me
Our time in Lesotho was so fruitful, the Lord began to remind me of how good he is no matter what. Showing me his grace even when I was hard headed and didn’t want to trust that he is in control. He constantly put me in situations that I had to trust that he was guiding me. I think the entirety of this journey so far has been me learning how to trust the Lord. He reminded of the joy he has called me into.

Paraphrased Newsletter
In Lesotho our main ministry was house visits and creating relationships with the people. Our biggest adventure was living in a mountain village for a week. The Lord has still been teaching me how to trust him.

Thank y’all for reading this months newsletter. Sorry for the delay of this post. Please be praying for my squad to continue focusing on the Lord. Be praying that I would have peace and guidance on some decisions for after the race. Again thank you guys so much.